Thursday, October 24, 2013

Build your solution using Visual Studio Command Prompt

There are some solutions which generated automatically but with a large content. Also there are some buggy Visual Studio versions which are lagging and becomes non-responding while opening and building a comparatively larger solutions.

When I was building OpenCV and QT for my University Final year project, I faced same situation. (I will post a separate article about this OpenCV building process.) My Visual Studio version seems buggy and I didn't have enough time to re-install it. When I tried to open the OpenCV solution using Visual Studio IDE, it becomes non-responding. So I tried the Visual Studio Command Prompt.

Visual Studio Command Prompt

You can open Visual Studio Command Prompt using Visual Studio Tools in the Visual Studio in Start Menu. Then you have to execute just one command. It is simple.

MSBuild D:\Project\YourSolution.sln /p:Configuration=Release 

Replace the "D:\Project\YourSolution.sln" with the location of your solution. Execution will take some time according to the scale of your project. After building using above command, replace "Release" with "Debug" if you want to build your solution for the debug also.

Hope my post will helpful! :)

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